What are proteins and why do we need them?

What are proteins and why do we need them?

Proteins are among the three most important nutrients and macronutrients for the human body, and their intake in the diet and their importance for our body should be perceived accordingly. Although they are mainly known for muscle growth and exercise in athletes, they also have other functions.

For the average person, they are important because they can maintain a feeling of satiety after a meal and support metabolism. They also affect the leaching of carbohydrates into the bloodstream, they also affect weight loss or, conversely, weight gain. However, it is important not to overdo it with them and to know how to find the best plant and animal sources. We'll talk more about that too.

Proteins, as well as these substances, are a basic nutrient necessary for the proper functioning of the entire human body. They are irreplaceable for the body when it comes to its physical performance and condition. According to the origin, we distinguish proteins from animal sources, especially from meat, milk and eggs, and from vegetable sources, mainly from legumes and nuts.

In the digestive system, specifically in the stomach, proteins are gradually broken down into smaller and simpler components, finally down to the level of amino acids. Subsequently, they are absorbed through the small intestine into the blood, from there to the liver and from there to specific parts and tissues.

Proteins are irreplaceable primarily for the following effects:
Muscle mass: Probably the most well-known function of proteins is that they participate in the formation of muscle fibers, in the case of a higher intake, they also support their growth, strength and performance.

Construction and storage function: Proteins are also the basic construction component of the most important tissues, for example collagen, they also help to store other substances in the body.

Effect on immunity: Sufficient protein supports the formation of immune cells and helps against internal and external infections, for example in case of skin injury.

The following people should consume more protein in their diet:
both men and women who build muscle mass, especially before exercise
generally all people who have more physically demanding work during the day
those who are too often hungry should include more of them in their diet
anyone who has problems with poor quality of hair, skin and nails

The recommended daily dose of proteins and how their deficiency manifests itself
The fact that proteins are essential for the body is also evident from those areas where they have their most visible importance. However, their long-term lack can manifest itself not only in a decrease in the physical performance of the muscles, which is natural, but also in another way.

Here are the most common symptoms of protein deficiency in the body:

Loss of muscle mass: If the body does not have enough proteins, it starts using the proteins in the muscles and they then waste away, also muscle injuries take longer to heal.

Fatigue and reduced vitality: In addition to problems with muscle loss and wasting, a lack of protein also leads to increased fatigue and overall lower performance.

Nail, skin and hair problems: Brittle and falling hair, splitting nails, poor skin health and more difficult skin healing are other deficiency symptoms.

Worse immunity: A lack of proteins can also be manifested by more frequent infections, either in the body or on the skin, this is a consequence of a decrease in natural immunity.

As for the daily recommended dose of protein, the following principles apply:

the recommended dose for an ordinary person is roughly 0.8 grams per 1 kg of weight
for those with a higher physical burden, the dose can be 1.2 to 1.4 grams
for bodybuilders and those who want to build muscle, it can be up to 2 grams
by default, proteins are contained in the diet in a volume of around 30% of the total

Is it necessary to consume some protein supplements?
This depends on two factors. The first is what your diet is like and whether you have enough quality protein from food, especially if it comes from fish and plant sources. The second factor is the level of physical activity, in case of greater load, external supplementation may be appropriate.

Try, for example, our great fit4you Multi Whey Protein, which contains high-quality whey proteins, a high amount of BCAA and L-Glutamine in one dose, and other beneficial ingredients.



 Marek Sarmir

Head Of Production and Development Maxim Pharm

CEO Fit4you FL LLC

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